Sanyo 5300 Purple LED's 

Note: This was put up as an example of what I did only! I am not responsible for anything that you may or may not do whether you did or did not follow this example. Just look at the pretty pics, you cannot blame me if you break someting, start a fire, or anything else good or bad or neither! Don't you hate that you have to say things like this?!

Project: Super Bright Purple LED Sanyo 5300 mod
Goal: Replace the dingy ugly dim green LEDs w/ cool bright purple LEDs!
Cost: 14 Purple 0603 Super Bright LEDs @ $2 each, 'Y' shaped 'gameboy' screwdriver $1
Tools needed: See the first picture in this album!
Time: took about 4 hours. i'm not an effecient solderer

Shot of all the tools used. Magnifying Glass & Hand holders, the tiny LEDs are in that white bag and are the 0603 type available here, solder sponge, soldering iron, tweezers, solder, Y-shaped screw driver, copper solder remover.
[800x600] [1136x852]
Shot of all the tools used. Magnifying Glass & Hand holders, the tiny LEDs are in that white bag and are the 0603 type available here, solder sponge, soldering iron, tweezers, solder, Y-shaped screw driver, copper solder remover.
Viewed: 3346 times.

Taking apart the case: Remove the battary and the 4 'Y' shaped screws using the gameboy screwdriver available here. A couple of the screws had little plastic flaps over them that u can remove easily w/ a 

razor blade tip.
[800x600] [1136x852]
Taking apart the case: Remove the battary and the 4 'Y' shaped screws using the gameboy screwdriver
href="">available here
. A couple of the screws had little plastic flaps over them that u can remove easily w/ a

razor blade tip.
Viewed: 3143 times.

Taking apart the case part 2: This is kinda scary. Lots of plastic 'snappy doos'. I just placed pressure where each 

of the pictures show, and the pieces will snap off. Took off a few outter pieces too: Buttons, protective plastic, 

yaddi yaddi.
[800x600] [1136x852]
Taking apart the case part 2: This is kinda scary. Lots of plastic 'snappy doos'. I just placed pressure where each

of the pictures show, and the pieces will snap off. Took off a few outter pieces too: Buttons, protective plastic,

yaddi yaddi.
Viewed: 3117 times.

Now we gotta get to the board where the LEDs are mounted. Do not disconnect the ribbon cable on this board. Again, I 

just placed pressure where the pics show, and the inner board popped right out.
[800x600] [1136x852]
Now we gotta get to the board where the LEDs are mounted. Do not disconnect the ribbon cable on this board. Again, I

just placed pressure where the pics show, and the inner board popped right out.
Viewed: 3114 times.

Again, do not disconnect the ribbon cable. Place more pressure where the pics show to get that white board seperated 

from the main board. You'll finally end up w/ the white board seperated from everything else. This is nifty, this is 

what we want!
[800x600] [1136x852]
Again, do not disconnect the ribbon cable. Place more pressure where the pics show to get that white board seperated

from the main board. You'll finally end up w/ the white board seperated from everything else. This is nifty, this is

what we want!
Viewed: 3177 times.

Each of those pink/purple dots are LEDs. You are seeing post-mod pictures of this. Those are the actual purple ones. 

You'd expect to see these  partial clear LEDs. Those are your green ones. NOT to be confused w/ the black dots next 

to some of them! Those are resistors! (I think.. heehee!) Match up the pink/purple dots w/ your phone and you'll see 

what I mean. I'm not the best solderer/desolderer, so here's what I did: I applied the copper solder remover and 

soldering iron to each LED. Eventually you'll remove most of the solder. Then I would pry up on the LED w/ some 

tweezers while applying yet more heat. Some would come off, most would split in 1/2. Either way, you get them 

off.Putting them on is the exact reverse. Just make sure you get the positive/negative orientation down. On 

the phone, there was a line indicating which side is negative on the LED board of your phone. Be sure to find out 

which side of your LED is negative to match it from the manufacture/supplier. It's easiest to apply a dab of solder to 1/2 of the LED, THEN position it on the LED board, heat up the dab of solder, and then align the LED. Afterward apply solder to the 2nd half of the LED.
[800x600] [1136x852]
Each of those pink/purple dots are LEDs. You are seeing post-mod pictures of this. Those are the actual purple ones.

You'd expect to see these partial clear LEDs. Those are your green ones. NOT to be confused w/ the black dots next

to some of them! Those are resistors! (I think.. heehee!) Match up the pink/purple dots w/ your phone and you'll see

what I mean. I'm not the best solderer/desolderer, so here's what I did: I applied the copper solder remover and

soldering iron to each LED. Eventually you'll remove most of the solder. Then I would pry up on the LED w/ some

tweezers while applying yet more heat. Some would come off, most would split in 1/2. Either way, you get them


Putting them on is the exact reverse. Just make sure you get the positive/negative orientation down. On

the phone, there was a line indicating which side is negative on the LED board of your phone. Be sure to find out

which side of your LED is negative to match it from the manufacture/supplier. It's easiest to apply a dab of solder to 1/2 of the LED, THEN position it on the LED board, heat up the dab of solder, and then align the LED. Afterward apply solder to the 2nd half of the LED.
Viewed: 3152 times.

Here are some shots, although blurry, of the phone before the mod. Note how dark it is, how dingy green it is.. bleh!
[800x600] [1136x852]
Here are some shots, although blurry, of the phone before the mod. Note how dark it is, how dingy green it is.. bleh!
Viewed: 2996 times.

Here are some shots of the phone after the mod! I would have liked them to be a bit more purple, a bit less pink... But it is way cooler than the green and way brighter!
[800x600] [1136x852]
Here are some shots of the phone after the mod! I would have liked them to be a bit more purple, a bit less pink... But it is way cooler than the green and way brighter!
Viewed: 3180 times.

That little dot to the left of the dime: that's one of these LEDs! Really puts it in perspective. This project is not for the uncoordinated nor faint of heart. A lot can go wrong, I had to redo quite a few solders and assemble/disassemble my phone quite a few times to get it all working! You are not suposed to mix the LED's.. I.e. 3 green and 11 purple are a bad thing. I did! I did a few at a time, then checked my work. It required partial assembly/disassembly each time, but when things went wrong I knew it was one of a few LEDs, not one of 14 LEDs!!
That little dot to the left of the dime: that's one of these LEDs! Really puts it in perspective. This project is not for the uncoordinated nor faint of heart. A lot can go wrong, I had to redo quite a few solders and assemble/disassemble my phone quite a few times to get it all working! You are not suposed to mix the LED's.. I.e. 3 green and 11 purple are a bad thing. I did! I did a few at a time, then checked my work. It required partial assembly/disassembly each time, but when things went wrong I knew it was one of a few LEDs, not one of 14 LEDs!!
Viewed: 3108 times.

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